Snowbowling views on Youtube
Okay, so this may sound a bit strange if you are regularly hopping from one youtube video to another because we here are celebrating and explaining our victory about videos that have not even hit 10,000 views! So read on.
Our previous blog on wedding films was to celebrate the first time our wedding teaser crossing 2000 views! Yes! You read it right it was 2K, not 2M.
At the moment, the same wedding teaser has all set to cross 7000 views, by the time you read this blog, Niveditha weds Ananatharayanan would have comfortably cross 7k views on our Youtube channel. The reason 7k is an important number to us is that our most viewed Youtube video, which is a wedding invite, currently stands at 7400 views and this teaser is all set to overtake our most viewed video on Youtube! Which is wonderful!!
Thanks to Youtube for a taking our work to a wider audience, the reach is nothing short of magic
There has been a recent, surge in the number of views we have been getting for our Youtube videos, not just the wedding teaser we are talking about but overall there has been a surge on our other videos too, thanks to our recent hit video “Niveditha weds Ananthanarayanan” which was well-received widely not just by our Youtube subscribers and among our friends in the wedding photography industry but also by complete strangers!
A screenshot of our latest YouTube analytics page. For a channel with less than 35k overall views and 185 subscribers, these numbers are magical!
So what is so special about this wedding teaser which has become one of the most viewed Tambrahm wedding teasers on Youtube? Is it the beautiful couple? or a sneak peek into their candid interview or the visuals? Or a perfect blend of all of these elements that have made the teaser interesting? We have no idea! See it yourself.
We can’t brag enough about this wedding teaser, this has been our game changer, with just 137 subscribers and around 350 views for every video we upload, Niveadthita and Anantharayanan’s wedding teaser has given a new look to our Youtube channel, we had 137 subscribers before publishing the teaser currently there 183 subscribers with a new subscriber almost every day! which have motivated us to take more quality wedding films
“Aashiq weds Manasa” shot and published in 2018 was the first time we used a drone to shoot a wedding film and this was our first celebrity wedding with a huge list of celebrities and stars from the tinsel town descended the wedding venue, with less than 1000 views till April, out of now where there was a sudden increase in the viewership. It has suddenly gained over 1775 views in the past 28 days according to Youtube analytics.
Niraimathi & Hari’s wedding teaser which we shot and published back in 2016 was our first ever wedding film to be published publicly! It was the face of our “wedding film” for at least 3 years. Though it took around 4 years to reach 1000 views, there has been a recent surge in its viewership, currently, it has hit the 2500 mark, with over 1500 views in the past 2 months.
The full wedding film of Niveaditha and Ananthanaryanan was published in April and just like its wedding teaser which went viral, the wedding film too was received very well from the minute it was published. With over 2400 views in less than 3 weeks of publishing, this wedding film doesn't look like going down in view anywhere in the near future.
The last 2 months have been nothing short of magic for us on YouTube, among all the negativity surrounding the wedding industry this is something that has kept us motivated. The multifold rise in viewership and subscribers will motive us to produce more quality wedding films